Campus Residency License Contract

After reading this contract thoroughly, please sign the contract and submit your e-signature as evidence that you have read and understand the contract terms. For assistance, contact the Office of Residential Communities at

Huntingdon College Campus Residency License Contract

Below outlines the tenets of the Campus Residency License Contract, to which each resident adheres when living on campus at Huntingdon College. Also included below are the expectations of each resident who lives on campus, including the sanctions for violating several, but not all, residence life and Huntingdon College policies. All residents are responsible for being familiar with and following these expectations.
  1. Contract Period
    1. The License Contract obligates the student to live in his or her residence hall room for a complete academic term (fall or spring semesters). The room must be vacated no later than 24 hours after the student’s last exam or by the time the residence halls officially close. If the student enters into this contract for the spring semester only, the student is obligated to fulfill this contract through the final closing of the residence halls for the spring semester. Please note that the opening and closing of the residence halls will follow the College calendar and that residents will not be allowed to stay in the residence hall during times designated for the halls to be closed. Residence halls will be closed during Thanksgiving Break, Christmas/Winter Break, and Spring Break, as applicable. When residence halls are closed for breaks, students will be required to vacate their rooms; belongings may remain in the rooms as long as the student is returning to Huntingdon College following the break.
  2. Occupancy
    1. Huntingdon College has a residency requirement. Any student who is not living with a parent or guardian at their permanent home address on their original application for admission within 45 miles driving distance of the Huntingdon College campus, is unmarried, or has no dependents with whom s/he is living and providing at least 50 percent of the dependents’ support MUST live in Huntingdon College housing. The residency requirement extends for four years. A student wishing to apply for permission to live off-campus must complete a Commuter Application. A student found in violation of the residency requirement can be held responsible for the cost of room and board for the semester(s) he/she should have been living on campus.
    2. A room must be occupied only by the person(s) assigned to the room. Occupancy is defined by issuance by the Office of Residential Communities of a key to the student for a specified room and does not require actual presence by the student and his/her possessions. If students would like to change rooms, they must talk with the Office of Residential Communities and follow the proper timeline and protocol for the room change process. If a student moves belongings out of the room with the intention of not returning to housing but does not properly check out with the Residential Communities staff, the student will continue to be charged room and board until a proper check-out has been completed and the room key returned.
  3. Consolidation
    1. If residence hall vacancies exist within rooms in which students are assigned, the residents without roommates may be asked to consolidate. If the student declines the opportunity to consolidate, s/he may request to maintain a single room through the permission of the Director of Residential Communities, who will confer with the Director of Student Financial Aid for approval. If the student’s request is denied, he/she will be required to consolidate with another student. A current bill reflecting the increase in applicable charges that will be effective immediately on a pro-rata basis will then be presented to the student. In consideration of the safety of all Huntingdon College students, at no time will a student be allowed to stay in a Huntingdon-owned home unless there are two or more assigned residents.
  4. Non-Discrimination Policy
    1. Huntingdon College is committed to a policy against legally impermissible, arbitrary, or unreasonable discriminatory practices. Therefore, the College, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, other applicable federal and state law and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Furthermore, Huntingdon College, in accordance with applicable federal and state law and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived gender, gender identity, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin. Huntingdon College also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX by policy. Any person may report discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct), and may do so in person, by mail, by telephone or by email using the contact information below. Inquiries and/or complaints that are not related to disability discrimination can be addressed to: Huntingdon College Title IX Coordinator Eric A. Kidwell Library 1500 East Fairview Ave. Montgomery, AL 36106 334-833-4420* (This number is for reporting discrimination-based reporting.) Inquiries and/or complaints may also be addressed to (though it is advised the College’s process by first utilized): Assistant Secretary Office for Civil Rights (OCR) U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1100 Customer Service Hotline #:(800) 421-3481 Facsimile: (202) 453-6012 TDD#: (877) 521-2172 Email: Web: Access Services Within any resolution process related to this policy, Huntingdon College provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities when that accommodation is consistent with federal law. For disability-related inquiries or complaints: Huntingdon College Director of Access Services/504 Coordinator Dr. Lisa O. Dorman 1500 East Fairview Ave. Montgomery, AL 36106 334-833-4465* This number is for requesting disability accommodations.
  5. License Fee
    1. The term of this contract is one academic term (fall or spring semester). The license fee is paid on a semester basis through the Office of Student Accounts.  All residential students are required to purchase board. The combined room and board prices for 2024-2025 and for 2025-2026 are as follows: Double occupancy, per semester, $5,461; per academic year, $10,922.
  6. Student Rooms/Furnishings:
    1. Any room furnishing added by the student must be free-standing and is to be removed by the student when they move out of the residence at the conclusion of each academic year.
    2. No part of one’s personal furnishing may be attached, wedged, or secured in any manner to the ceiling, floor, or walls of the room.
    3. No item may be located as to obstruct direct access to the door or windows so that evacuation is hindered.
    4. No room furnishing may be altered from its intended design or removed from the room by the student or his/her guest(s).
    5. No common area furniture may be taken from the lounges or other areas and placed in student rooms or moved to other locations.
    6. No personal property may be stored in a public area (lobby, lounge, bath, etc.).
    7. Residents may not perform or modify their own repairs of residence hall furnishings or equipment.
  7. Restricted Items: Due to the importance of keeping our residence halls as safe and secure as possible, the College reserves the right to impose reasonable requirements with respect to the use of appliances or equipment in the residence halls.  Below is a list of some items that are not permitted in the residence halls; however, this list is not all-inclusive:
    1. Extension cords and multiplug adapters
    2. Any appliance exceeding 1200 watts
    3. Refrigerators with internal dimensions larger than 5.0 cubic feet
    4. Nails
    5. Air conditioners, ceiling fans, washing machines, freezers, or other high voltage equipment
    6. Pets of any kind
    7. Guns, rifles, pistols, other firearms of any kind, dynamite cartridges, bombs, grenades, mines, or powerful explosives
    8. BB guns (including airsoft guns), stun guns, air rifles and pistols (including paint guns), knives of any kind, slingshots, leaded canes, blackjacks, metallic knuckles, throwing stars, razors and razor blades (except solely for personal shaving), fireworks, or any sharp-pointed or edged instruments (except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance)
    9. Mopeds, motorbikes, motorcycles, or bicycles
    10. Waterbeds, electrical blankets
    11. Personal mattresses are not permitted in traditional residence halls
    12. Hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, coffee makers (coffee makers with automatic shutoffs are approved), deep fat fryers, George Foreman Grills, electric grills, microwaves (the microwaves that come with the College-owned microfridge are approved), combustibles, open coil appliances
    13. Kerosene heaters or electric heaters, open flame self-igniting or explosive apparatus
    14. Halogen lamps, lava lamps, and multi-light lamps with plastic shades
    15. Candles/Incense, even for decorative purposes
    16. Cinder blocks
  8. Pet Policy
    1. Pets are not permitted in any College-Owned Properties (Residence Halls, Apartments, and Houses). Housing pets that have not been approved through access services in College-Owned Properties will result in disciplinary action including a fine of $500 for first offenses. Repeat offenders will receive an additional $500 fine as well as additional sanctions determined by the Dean of Students.
    2. Huntingdon College is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodation for qualified students with disabilities.  The College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA).  Huntingdon College permits Assistance Animals (often referred to as Emotional Support Animals) in campus residential housing as a reasonable accommodation once the student has met the guidelines under which approval of an assistance animal is determined, and the procedure for requesting housing accommodations has been completed and approved. Any student who receives an accommodation to house an emotional support animal or service animal in the residence hall will be placed in traditional housing (Searcy, Ligon, or Blount). Please note that if you are found responsible for having an assistance animal without approval, you will be subject to aforementioned disciplinary actions.
      1. “Assistance Animals” are animals that provide assistance or emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability.  For animals to be designated as Assistance Animals, students are required to demonstrate that their animal is a reasonable accommodation for an emotional or mental health disability (defined as an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities).  Demonstrating this need requires documentation from a treating medical or mental health provider (not related to the student) certifying that the Emotional Support Animal is part of a prescribed treatment plan for the disabling condition and alleviates symptoms or effects of a disability. Assistance Animals may be considered for living in the student’s assigned living space; however, they are not permitted in other areas of the College (e.g., Library, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, Hawks Nest, Dining Hall, kitchen areas, public bathrooms, etc.).
      2. “Service Animals” are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  Service animals are permitted nearly everywhere on campus.  Where it is not readily apparent that an animal is a service animal or an emotional support animal, the College may ask whether the animal is a pet. A pet as defined in this policy is a domestic animal kept for companionship or pleasure, and not the mitigation of a documented disability.
      3. A pet is not considered an Assistance Animal or a Service Animal and is not covered by this policy.  On-campus residents are not permitted to keep pets on college property or in college housing.
      4. An “Approved Animal” is a Service or Assistance Animal that has been granted as a reasonable accommodation under this policy through the office of Disability Services.
  9. Inspections
    1. Health and Safety
      1. Authorized personnel of Huntingdon College have the right to enter and search a resident’s room for safety, health, and other administrative reasons. Inspections are done periodically, normally not less than once per month, by Residential Communities staff.  Residents are not required to be notified in advance of the inspections. The staff is looking for violations using mandatory guidelines set by Huntingdon College. If violations exist, they are documented, the student is notified, and appropriate actions will be taken.
      2. Appropriate Actions: Residential Communities Staff reserves the right to administer fines and sanctions upon approval of the Director of Residential Communities. These fines and sanctions are at the discretion of the Director of Residential Communities and vary depending on the severity of the policy violation.
  10. Community Policies, Expectations, and Sanctions
    1. Resident Relations
      1. Residents must be mindful of the rights of others and avoid activities that unnecessarily disturb individuals or groups, or interfere with the normal activities of the College. These include, but are not limited to: intimidating behavior, physical assault, hazing, and unsuitable or boisterous conduct. Threats or acts of bodily harm to self or others are strictly prohibited.
      2. Huntingdon College respects and celebrates the diversity of its residents. Acts of intolerance and/or harassment due to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation are neither appropriate nor tolerated. See the Huntingdon College Non-Discrimination Policy above.
      3. Residents will refrain from harassment and verbal abuse of other students.
      4. Residents without roommates paying a double rate are expected to have the room prepared for a roommate at any time and to be receptive when assigned a new roommate.
      5. Solicitation in the residence halls is prohibited.
    2. Noise Level
      1. Quiet hours are in effect as follows: 10:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. every day; 24-hour quiet hours are observed beginning the weekend before final exams and during the week of final exams each semester.
      2. During this time, no noise should be heard outside student rooms, and only minimal sound is allowed through the walls between rooms.
      3. Moderate noise levels that promote an atmosphere of academic success should be maintained during courtesy hours (all hours other than those designated as quiet). Residents should be considerate in observing these hours. If asked to lower noise levels, residents are expected to comply.
      4. Failure to comply with noise policies will result in 1 warning, additional violations will result in fines and sanctions as determined by the Director of the Residence Hall.
    3. Residents’ Guests
      1. Residents who entertain guests are expected to maintain appropriate group living behavior standards; a roommate’s right to privacy will take priority over the privilege to entertain a guest.
      2. Visitation hours for Huntingdon College residence halls are as posted: Blount, Ligon, Searcy, Trimble, Houses—Sunday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 a.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. All guests not approved for overnight stay may not be in a residents’ room/building floor beyond visitation hours. If the guest is a Huntingdon student, they must return to their own dwelling after visitation hours.
        1. Minimum Sanctions for not abiding by Visitation Hours
          1. First Offense: Warning Letter and community service
          2. Second Offense: $75 / suspension of visitation 4 weeks / community service
          3. Third Offense: $150 / suspension of visitation for a semester / community service
          4. Further sanctions, including possible dismissal from the institution, is at the discretion of the Dean of Students
      3. Hosts should meet their guest(s) at the building entrance, sign their guest(s) in and out at the lobby desk (legibly), and escort their guest(s) at all times while in the building. At no time should any resident provide entrance to the building to someone who is not his or her guest.
      4. Guests of the opposite gender may only use the bathroom(s) designated for their gender. Gender-neutral restrooms are located on the first floor, near the lobby, in Ligon, Searcy, and Blount Halls.
      5. Hosts are responsible for the actions of their guests.
      6. Overnight guests must be approved by the Office of Residential Communities and must be the same gender/sex and not intimately involved. Married students must also abide by the overnight guest policy. All overnight guests must be between the ages of 17 and 25 years of age. (Overnight is defined as more than 5 total hours between midnight and 8:00 a.m.) Huntingdon College students may not stay overnight in a residence hall room in which they are not assigned. Cohabitation is not permitted.
        1. Minimum Sanctions for not abiding the Overnight Guest policy
          1. First Offense: Warning Letter and community service
          2. Second Offense: $75 / suspension of overnight guests for 4 weeks / community service
          3. Third Offense: $150 / suspension of overnight guests for a semester / community service
          4. Further sanctions, including possible dismissal from the institution, is at the discretion of the Dean of Students
      7. Each overnight guest must complete an Overnight Guest Waiver Form and be approved by the Residential Communities staff at least 48 hours in advance. These waiver forms may be obtained in Jackson Home.
      8. Persons who are not residents may be asked to leave, unless they are able to demonstrate that they are guests of residents or are carrying out College business.
  11. Respect for Health, Safety and Welfare
    1. As stated in Huntingdon College’s Behavioral Expectations, students are prohibited from keeping or using firearms (including pellet, air gun, paintball guns, crossbows, etc.) or other dangerous articles or substances on campus.
    2. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
      1. Only students who are 21 years of age are allowed to consume alcohol on the Huntingdon College campus.
        1. Alcohol is only allowed in the venues specified in this agreement, or at a venue designated by the College for a special event.
        2. Alcohol is expressly prohibited in Searcy Hall, Ligon Hall, and Greek-affiliated houses.
        3. Kegs and pony-kegs are not allowed on Huntingdon College property.
        4. Liquor over 40% ABV is not allowed on Huntingdon College property.
        5. If alcohol is allowed in a residence (Blount Hall or College-owned house/apartment), students who are 21 or older may only consume alcohol inside a residence which includes the living area of a cluster. Open containers of alcohol are not permitted in hallways or common areas.
        6. If alcohol is permitted at a college-owned house on College Court, Dartmouth Circle, Woodley Terrace, or Fairview Avenue, alcohol must be consumed inside the residence. Alcohol consumption on the porch or in the yard is not permitted.
        7. If alcohol policies are violated, a 21-year-old student may lose the privilege of consuming alcohol on campus. Egregious violations of the policy could result in sanctions up to and including expulsion, as determined by the sole discretion of the College.
        8. Public intoxication is a violation of the Huntingdon College alcohol policy and a violation of the Huntingdon College Honor Code.
        9. Supplying minors under the age of 21 with alcohol is a violation of the Huntingdon College alcohol policy, a violation of the Huntingdon College Honor Code, and a violation of state law.
        10. Noise volumes will be monitored.
        11. Alcohol containers should be properly disposed of in a bag and also placed in a trash can. Empty alcohol containers should not be used as decoration in College housing.
        12. Residential communities staff and/or Huntingdon College Security and/or other authorized Huntingdon College employees may check ALL refrigerators, including personal refrigerators and coolers. No probable cause is needed for Residential Communities staff or Huntingdon College Security to inspect an entire house or residential hall room. Inspections of houses and residence halls are at the complete discretion of the College.
      2. Residents of non-Greek College Court houses, Woodley Terrace houses, Fairview Avenue apartments, or Dartmouth Circle:
        1. If all residents of the property are 21 years of age or older, a residence may have on the premises at any one time no more than 30 beers, no more than 2 bottles of liquor in 750 ml containers, and no more than 5 bottles (1 box) of wine.
        2. If a student under age 21 lives on the property, each resident who is 21 years of age or older is permitted to have no more than 6 beers and 1 bottle of wine. Liquor may not be possessed in one of the properties unless all residents of that property are 21 years of age or older.
        3. If all residents of a property are 21 years of age, each person in the house may only have one guest at a time with alcohol present (i.e. if it is a 6-person house, the maximum number of people in the house is 12). No guests who are 21 years of age or older should be permitted to consume alcohol unless all residents of the property who are present are age 21 or older.
        4. Individuals who are not 21 years of age should not be present on the property when alcohol is being consumed, except for individuals who are residents of the property.
        5. Students who have the privilege of living in these properties and are not 21 years of age may not consume alcohol anywhere on the Huntingdon College campus, including in the residence.
      3. Residents of Blount Hall:
        1. A student who is 21 years of age or older is permitted to have no more than 6 beers and 1 bottle of wine in his/her residence. Liquor may not be possessed in Blount Hall.
        2. If all residents of a hotel, suite, or cluster are 21 years of age or older, two guests who are 21 years of age or older may be present while alcohol is being consumed. No guests who are 21 years of age or older should be permitted to consume alcohol unless all residents of the hotel, suite, or cluster who are present are 21 or older.
        3. Individuals who are younger than 21 years of age should not be present in the residence hall when alcohol is being consumed, except for individuals who live in the residence hall room, suite, or cluster.
        4. Students who live in Blount Hall and are younger than 21 years of age may not consume alcohol on the Huntingdon College campus or inside their residence.
      4. Students may not consume, possess, distribute, or sell drugs on campus. Possession of narcotic or hallucinogenic drugs and other agents having potential for abuse as deemed by the College, including medications legally prescribed to one individual which are consumed by another individual without explicit permission from the health care provider who prescribed the medication, is strictly prohibited. Huntingdon College is a no tolerance institution. Students may be suspended from the campus immediately and face possible expulsion from the College.
      5. Students who display signs of intoxication (e.g. glazed eyes, slurred speech, unsteady gait, etc.) or students who require staff assistance due to their consumption of alcohol will be assigned community service.
      6. Students may not have any paraphernalia related to alcohol or drugs on campus. Paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to: decorative bottles, bottle caps, coolers, posters, t-shirts, glasses, cups, etc. Recommended sanctions: $50 / confiscated by the Office of Residential Communities until end of year.
    3. Fire Safety
      1. Activating a false fire alarm intentionally is strictly prohibited. Recommended sanction: $500 / 24 hours community service
      2. Students are not to tamper with or remove any fire or safety equipment including smoke detectors, fire escape ladders, and sprinkler systems in the residence halls. Recommended sanction: $250 / 12 hours community service
      3. Students must follow proper protocol when a fire alarm is activated or during other emergencies or drills. (Example: Evacuating the building during a fire drill). Recommended sanction: $100 / 5 hours of community service.
      4. No more than 10% of each residence hall wall may be covered. Recommended sanction: $25
      5. No objects may be hung from the ceiling. Recommended sanction: warning letter.
      6. No open heating elements including but not limited to hot plates, toasters, candles, potpourri burners, incense, grills (i.e. George Foreman Grills), candle warmers, etc. are prohibited in the residence halls. Minimum sanction: $50 fine and confiscation of device.
      7. No outdoor grills, charcoal, lighter fluid or etc. are allowed in the residence halls or on campus. Grills are allowed for responsible use at College Owned Houses. Fire pits are not allowed in residence halls or at College Owned Houses. Unauthorized use of these items will result in a minimum sanction of 5 community service hours and a $50 fine.
    4. Surge Protectors
      1. Only surge protectors that meet the following specifications are to be used: UL approved, maximum 6 outlets, heavy duty cord, 15 AMP rating with attached circuit breaker switch. The use of drop cords, extension cords, or “power strips” is prohibited in lounge areas, corridors, or open areas. Other safety measures to follow include:
      2. Adapter plug ends should not be used at any time.
      3. Electrical cords should be checked periodically. Replace frayed, worn plug ends or cords as needed.  Look for UL ratings on all appliances prior to use.
      4. “Power strips” should not be used in conjunction with portable refrigerators. All refrigerators should be plugged into the wall.
      5. Keep approved surge protectors away from primary travel areas within residence hall rooms.
      6. Light strings cannot touch metal frames.
    5. Residence Hall Building Safety
      1. Residents are prohibited from keeping or using firearms (including pellet, air gun, paintball guns, crossbows, etc.) or other dangerous articles or substances on campus.
      2. Propping exterior doors puts every resident at risk and is strictly prohibited. Recommended sanction: $50 fine and community service hours determined by Director of Residential Communities.
      3. First floor windows should be kept closed and locked to protect the safety of residents and their belongings.
      4. Windows being used as an entrance or exit to the building is strictly prohibited. Recommended sanction: $50 fine and community service hours determined by Director of Residential Communities.
      5. Tampering with video surveillance equipment is prohibited. Recommended sanction: $50 fine and community service hours determined by Director of Residential Communities.
      6. No objects are to be thrown or dropped from balconies, roofs, window blinds, or windows. Recommended sanction: $50 fine and community service hours determined by Director of Residential Communities.
      7. All outdoor/indoor sport activities are prohibited in the residence halls.
      8. All skating, rollerblading, and skateboarding is prohibited in the residence halls.
      9. Unauthorized entry into an elevator shaft and/or riding on top of an elevator car is prohibited.
      10. Residence hall side doors are for emergency use only between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Residents must use the front entrance of the building during these hours. Opening the side door will activate an alarm.
        1. Recommended Sanction: First offense warning; second offense: $125 / community service
        2. Excessive door alarms for the building will result in each resident of the building being held responsible for the actions of a few.
          1. Sanctions can include: $50 fine per resident of the building until the person responsible comes forward.
      11. Because of health and sanitation problems they pose, pets are not permitted in the residence halls. Recommended sanctions: Removal of pet and a $500 fine for first offense, repeat offenders will be fined $500 and be subject to further sanctions as determined by the Dean of Students. Additional information and the full pet policy can be found in Section 8.
      12. Students are to be responsible for their residence hall room key as to protect the safety of the belongings in their room.
        1. Sanction for rekeying a room in a residence hall: $50 per occurrence.
        2. Sanction for rekeying a house/apartment: cost of replacing the locks on each door to the residence, plus keys; varies.
        3. Sanction for having staff member open a room due to a lock-out: $20 per occurrence after the first occurrence.
      13. Students are never allowed on ledges or roofs.
      14. In consideration of safety and of students with disabilities, hallways, sidewalks, stairwells, ramps, must be kept free of obstructions at all times.
      15. Smoking is not permitted on campus. No smoking of any kind (cigarettes, cigars, vaping, etc.). Violation of this policy can result in fines and sanctions as determined by the Director of Residential Communities.
      16. Students are responsible for cleanliness of their rooms and disposing of trash in designated outdoor trash receptacles. Residents may be charged and sanctioned for special cleaning necessitated by improper care of rooms or study rooms.
      17. Residential Communities staff will conduct monthly room inspections to inspect for safety hazards including fire and health.
        1. Failure of Health and Safety inspections will result in fines and sanctions in accordance with the number of violations and the severity of violations. There is no minimum or maximum sanction. Determination of sanctions is at the discretion of Residential Communities Staff and the Dean of Students.
  12. Respect for Residence Hall Operations
    1. Residence Hall Staff
      1. Students will comply with reasonable requests from residence hall staff or other College officials.
      2. Students will identify themselves and provide identification when asked.
      3. Students will provide true and accurate information when asked.
      4. Students will refrain from harassment and verbal abuse of staff members.
    2. All room changes must be authorized by the appropriate residential community staff members and must follow established guidelines.
    3. Students are not allowed to give their Huntingdon ID or room keys to others.
  13. Respect for Property
    1. Students are expected to respect Huntingdon College residential property as well as the property of other community members. Students shall be financially liable for damages, alterations, or removal that they cause, including damage caused by their guests, to residence hall rooms, buildings, and community members’ property.
      1. If disrespect of College property or of community members becomes excessive, the Office of Residential Communities holds the right to fine every resident of the building until the person responsible comes forward.
      2. Because of potential for damage to the floor, liquid-filled furniture is not permitted in the residence halls.
      3. Huntingdon residential community property may not be removed from student rooms/clusters.
      4. Huntingdon residential community property may not be removed from common lobbies (including garbage cans, recycling bins, etc).
      5. Posting of information by individuals other than the staff of the residence hall or employees of the Office of Student Development is prohibited.
        1. All other individuals and/or groups that would like to post items in the residence halls must receive approval from the Director of Residential Communities after their flyer is approved by the appropriate parties.
      6. Painting (inside or outside the building) is not permitted.
      7. Requests for repairs to residence hall furnishings can be made by submitting a Cayzu request online at or by contacting the Resident Assistant/Resident Director.  Students will be held financially responsible for loss of or damage to furnishings or equipment in the residence hall room to which they are assigned, including shared areas of suites or houses.
  14. Other
    1. The Office of Residential Communities may make changes in official administrative policies as deemed necessary in the interest of health, safety, and discipline of students or College employees, or for educational purposes.
  15. Liability
    1. The student or other party to this contract shall indemnify and hold harmless Huntingdon College and its trustees, agents and employees from all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising or claimed to have arisen out of any injuries or damages received or sustained by the student as a result of negligence on the part of Huntingdon College Trustees, agents or employees, in the execution, performance or enforcement of this agreement, and any injuries or damages received or sustained by any third person as a result of any intentional or negligent acts or omissions on the part of the student, whether any such injuries or losses occur in residence hall rooms, public areas, or elsewhere on the campus.  The student is encouraged to carry insurance of the student’s choice for protection against such losses and claims. 
  16. Contract Termination by the Office of Residential Communities and Huntingdon College
    1. The College reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time based upon reasonable notice and good cause.  Should the contract be terminated, the student will be required to vacate the residence hall within 24 hours unless special permission, in writing, has been obtained from the Office of Residential Communities and/or the Dean of Students.  If the Dean of Students deems the circumstances necessary, the student may be required to vacate the campus immediately. The student shall remain liable for all damages assessed during the term of this agreement.  In the event the student does not vacate within the allowed time period, any property of the student remaining in the residence hall room or building may be treated as abandoned property or stored and held under limited access.  All charges for removal, disposal, and storage will be assessed to the student.
  17. Contract Termination by the Student
    1. If a student withdraws or leaves the College and doesn’t properly check-out, the College will assume a minimum $25 charge for an improper checkout. If the room key is not returned, a $150 charge for a lock change will be assumed. Additional costs may be assessed for other damages and/or violations. If a student withdraws or leaves the College without taking his/her belongings, Office of Residential Communities staff will box up the belongings. The belongings will be stored for up to 30 days. At the end of 30 days, the belongings will be disposed of. The student will be charged a fee for the storage of these items and for the labor it took to box up all items. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential Communities at
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